Practical Hope
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Examples of Hope
Flashing Fish of Hope
“…and a new kind of love has grown."
Jeff Slater
Your Habits Are Killing Your Hope
How Lent can make room for hope in our life, in a way backed by psychology research
Jeff Slater
Is Hope for Declining Churches Really Possible?
A Pleasant Story of Hope That Doesn’t Depend on People
Jeff Slater
The Complicated Hope of Clarence
A story of strong but lopsided hope— and hope for strengthening it
Jeff Slater
Hope On the Road
Lopsided hope is everywhere once you look for it, including in the Bible. Scripture also tells us we’re not alone.
Jeff Slater
Contagious Hope in the Washington Post
Hope is contagious-- as evidenced in vaccination clinics!
Jeff Slater
The Problem in Too Many Churches
Many of us have hope in some ways but not in others, it helps to name where we have hope and where we have lost it.
Jeff Slater
Here's to Hope
The story of this blog and why I'm writing it, a manifesto of sorts
Jeff Slater
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